Quelles Règles du Jeu ? Vol. 1

Quelles Règles du Jeu ? is an old project that began in 2017. I was on vacation with my parents and because I didn’t took my gaming pc due to transport limitation, so my small pc could only run Word, and I didn’t had WiFi… Can you only imagine ??? So I started writing something.

At that moment I haven’t planned to create a 4 volume saga. When I started my studies, and with that game design courses, the idea of creating a complete and adaptative world, which can be used for all game types or even arts forms, but especially for books, RPG’s and eventually other games scenarios’s.

Even if I finished writing in the middle of 2018, I had problem with finding people to reread the book and help me to correct the faults, and an illustrator for my cover. It took me more time that writing itself, but I could finally publish it on January 2020.

The book is available only in french, but I plan to make a translation in English. You can find the book in paperbook format and in virtual format (Available on Amazon, free with Kindle).



You can read here the two first chapters.


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