“Inventory in the pocket” is a project that comes from a necessity of managing games collection of the Pixel Museum. As having the biggest collection of video games and consoles in Europe, there was a certain point where all these things cannot be managed manually. This project was here to solve the problem, and also was my end studies project.
The project could look very easy because it consist on putting a scanner on a camera and calling some database and show the answer, and this is it. But there was one restriction that made things much harder : The app had to be useable on iOS. Because I love to try new things, I decided to try to make an app instead of web-app (because I don’t really know how to make it and don’t know how to make it downloadable), making the project even harder.
The result of the project is… quite satisfying. All the application works finely, but on the one hand, the application is pretty slow due to internal function of ZXing, the library I used for decoding the barcode, and on the other hand, deploying application through Delphi allows only one-week testing, after this period the application is deactivated. That made the app unusable in real conditions.
You can read the thesis I made with this project (available only in french)
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