Fat Foot Explosion 2 is a game developped during the Global Game Jam 2019. The game is made with Unity, and in this project I’ve worked as developper.
The theme of this game jam was “What home means to you ?”. That theme was quite confusing, because I was used to participate in game jams where themes were only one word (“Waves” and “Bug” in 2017, “Transmission” and “Astral” in 2018), so it was the first time I didn’t contribute in the project either as game designer or level designer, and it allowed me to fully concentrate as developper.
Because we were many on this project, there was also a challenge in project managing. By the past, I used to use either Unity Collab (which is good) or either Google Drive (which isn’t). Because Google Drive is extremely unpractical for fast files exchange, and Unity Collab only allows 3 persons for a project, we decided to use Git system… which wasn’t a piece of cake. Even if we were all beginners, I could say that we did a pretty good job, and since that, Git is an unavoidable tool for me.
Also, even if the project was named “Fat Food Explosion 2“, there was no “Fat Food Explosion 1“. I just wanted to name it like that, but that allows me to create a (worse ?) version of the project in the future, or even a pre-sequel… which doesn’t make especially more sense.

There is also this trailer, as it was also one of the global game jam diversifiers
The project is not meant to be continued. You can check the global game jam page with the game where you can find more details, and the github project page if you’re interested by the sources.