The Control

The Control is a game firstly created at a “local” Game Jam, at Ludus Academie in november 2019. The initial project had a potential with already a few mechanics made during only one day. The idea of controlling an environnement and not an entity is at the center of the idea.

The theme was “Fundamental order vs Integral Chaos”, so the game is inspired by the physics fundamental interactions, but with some game design compromises. This is not a simulator, rather a proposition to mix knowns about quantum physics and game design experience about changing the main focus from an entity to an environnement.


Live preview

Because the project is still in developpement, check-out all the details and the last version on the project page .


The project is developped with the help of friend who’s making graphical assets. Also, I tried to submit this game to the first GameCup, but without any result. For this event, I created a Game Design Document, Business Plan and other documents. If you are interested by those, you can ask me for them. Here is the detailed Game Design Document (only available in french).


Changelog and updates

As I consider that as my biggest project yet, it’s important to update on what’s going on with this one. So here it is:

  • January 2024 : It’s a bit complicated to jump in again in the project. I don’t feel anything pushing me with this project as at the moment, I don’t really feel that the graphics match the theme, and the story/tutorial need complete rework as it is right now. However I’m proud enough that I finally migrated most of the project to the 2D system. As crazy as it might sound, I knew well the UI system in Unity, but was unsure on how to use 2D (stupid me of 2019). Of course too many problems, especially the game being unplayable when moving to the 16/10 screen ratios. Also it was ablsolutely horrible to try to develop the strong interraction system in a UI system. Also right now I’m trying to finalize Hotel Perkkow project and publishing on Steam takes time. With other projects going on, like job, car and other personnal things, I don’t think I will be able to reopen the project before few months, yet it might be needed for school. We’ll see.

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